What Did the Baby Buzzard Say When It Saw an Orange in the Nest Answer Key
Welcome to Apple Class!
Read regular updates and see photos of all our super home learning here.
Wednesday 22nd July – I just want to wish you all a wonderful summer! We have been busy getting the classroom ready to welcome you back. We really can't wait to see you! I've also been very busy meeting our new Reception children this week on zoom. They are so excited to be joining us in September and Reception I know you are going to be great role models as our new Year 1 children. I've added some photos below to give you a sneaky peak of our classroom for September. If you look carefully, you can see what the new class name is. Thank you to all those who voted! I'm so sad to say goodbye to our wonderful Year 1 children…especially those I couldn't say goodbye to in person. I wish you all the best in Year 2 – I know you will continue to be superstar learners. Check out Mr Corne's class page to find out what your new class is going to be called. Happy holidays to you all. We can't wait to see you in September! Stay safe – Mrs C
Tuesday 14th July – Here is this week's home learning. You'll also find out more information about our 'Hello, nice to see you' video call.
Monday 13th July – Good morning Apple Class – Oak Academy have not uploaded this weeks schedule yet but I will add the timetable as soon as I can. In the meantime, why don't you draw something you did at the weekend and write about it. Don't forget to send in a photo of you doing something you enjoy and vote for your favourite class name. If you haven't signed up to Google Classroom yet, why not do that today. We are hoping to invite you along to a 'hello, nice to see you' video on Friday this week and it would be great to get as many of you involved as possible. We've had some super photos sent over the weekend. Take a look at the gallery below – maybe you'll be inspired to do some of these activities yourself.
Mia made this fantastic tree that showed all the seasons -
Super maths work by Mia -
Painting by Melody -
Melody was so proud of herself for being brave and letting a butterfly sit on her finger -
She wrote about it too! -
How many of you have been growing vegetables in your garden -
Growing success – look at these amazing carrots! -
Perfect time for fruit picking too. I wonder how many of you have done this?
Friday 10th July – It has been a busy week this week as we start to think about September already. Don't forget to vote for your new class name! If you haven't emailed Mr Cornes (Yr1) or myself (Reception) yet with your vote please do so soon. We also want you to send in a photo of you doing something you enjoy. Thank you to those who have already sent them in. We would love to have everyone up on our new class display when we come back in September so please get involved. Look at our superstar learners this week. Well done to you all!
Finn B and his family visited a ship wreck -'The Amsterdam' -
Then Finn did this amazing piece of work about it. Well done Finn! -
Kinsgley has been enjoying being out with his family -
How are you finding Oak Academy lesson? -
Koko did some super maths on capacity -
and Ellie did some great maths too. Love the presentation too! Well done girls! -
The Royal Penguin Family by Kingsley. Love this! -
Love this picture! Enjoy reading – it is such a great life skill!
Monday 6th July – Good morning Apple Class, here is the home learning for this week and some super home learning photos in the gallery below – take a closer look by clicking on the images.
We can't wait until we can all be together again -
Great writing! -
Art from the bottom of the garden -
Ellie has been thinking about how to plant a seed -
Super instruction writing Ellie -
Making Stickman! -
Ellie is loving maths -
…so is Violet -
Finding number bonds to 30 by Violet -
Ocean facts by Ellie -
The moon over the ocean painting by Violet. -
Love this collage with an important message. Well done Violet!
Thursday 2nd July – Good morning Apple Class, I hope you've had a good week. The weather hasn't been so great for outdoor learning but with wellies and coats on I'm sure you've still managed to have fun. I'm sure the gardens are grateful for the rain this week. Being indoors hasn't stopped you being creative – I had to share this amazing animation Finn B and his sister have been making:
We've had some great home learning about the Solar System this week – it seems to have taken your interest which is great. We've also had some super work from Oak Academy including measuring, character descriptions and expanded noun phrases which we have also been learning about in school this week (Year 1). Click on the pictures to take a closer look.
Emma created her own creature – the owl headed dolphin -
and wrote all about it Super writing Emma! -
She has also been busy doing maths on Oak Academy -
Comparing the length of caterpillars – great measuring Nieko! -
Finn B has been learning about expanded noun phrases on Oak this week. Wow I'm impressed Finn B! -
Emma made a story map of The Very Quiet Night story -
and rewrote the story! What a lot of writing Emma. Well done! -
Super sentence writing about Goldilocks and the 3 bears in court -
Love these models made from loo rolls – how creative! -
Inspired to paint an iguana after learning about reptiles on Oak -
Look at the finished piece! -
Kingsley created his own reptile story map -
Captain has shown a real interest in the Solar System and been creative -
…look at his finished piece! Amazing Captain. Love the labelling too! -
Kingsley did this super picture of the Solar System too
Monday 29th June – Good morning Apple Class, here is the weekly timetable for home learning. I have also added a useful math link for some problem solving activities you may want to look at. We've had lots more great photos of your home learning – have a look in the gallery below. Well done to you all.
Ellie has made these fantastic sea creatures -
She chose one to write about…click on the picture to work out which one -
Great maths work by Ellie -
Melody made a wallpaper fish -
…and crab. Love these! -
How great is this 3D ocean frame too -
Mia made a super story map and retold the story to her mum -
Gingerbread man and unicorn -
Mia designed a house for her toy rabbit Sparkles -
Growing French Beans -
I wonder what time it is -
Alien artwork using hand and foot prints. What a great idea! -
Ocean painting – what a work of art.
Thursday 25th June – I love these great photos from Kingsley and Koko who have been working hard at home. They are both enjoying the Oak Academy lessons in their own way as well as following their own interests – Koko is learning french from her grandparents! I wonder what you have been doing.
Kingsley has had birthday celebrations this week for his siblings. Click on the picture to see this great cake! -
He wrote about it in his news! -
Kingsley has been learning about reptiles like we have in school -
Love this alien themed Father's Day card Kingsley made -
…what a great way to get some writing practice in. -
He's been doing some super maths too. -
Today we heard the story of The crocodile who didn't like water. Kingsley did the same at home and wrote about it. -
Koko has done some amazing writing. This was the result of an Oak Academy lesson. -
Well done for using your sound card to help you Koko! -
She has also done the Year 1 science lesson on hearing. -
I wonder if you have too -
Kingsley found this slipper limpet shell on a trip
Monday 22nd June – Good morning Apple Class, please find below this week's timetable for home learning. My apologies for not getting your wonderful photos up on Friday but we had a technical issue. Well done superstar learners! Have a great day!
I love this nature art work by Albie. He was inspired by Andy Goldsworthy. -
Lots of you are enjoying the online lessons -
Ellie did a super story from the Year 1 English -
Ellie has also been busy doing maths -
Olivia made a watch from the Reception lesson on sleep -
Koko has done some super maths on measuring -
and some great I wonder work on the continents. Well done Koko! -
Melody has written about her swimming. Well done Melody – what an achievement! -
Melody has also created a super ocean picture! -
Good to see phonics work! Well done! -
Olivia has been filling in the missing numbers. Love that it links to our I wonder theme. -
Lots of you have been using your imagination. Love this… -
and this! Looks like lots of fun! I wonder what you can make.
Tuesday 16th June – It is so great to see home learning that matches what we have been doing in school. We've also seen some wonderful creations for our curious curriculum. Look at these superstars sharing their learning:
Finn B took on a bridge challenge -
…and this was the result! Great engineering skills Finn! -
Doubling! We did this in school too. -
Melody has been making 2D shapes -
…and 3D. Great idea! -
Writing to a friend -
Melody labelled the parts of a fish -
Olivia told us her favourite part of the story – the Hundred Decker Bus -
Look at her bus route. We did this in school too. -
Loving Melody's shooting star collage -
…and her seaside painting -
Seren painted a great under the sea painting too -
Fantastic fish -
Loving 'Lull' the jellyfish -
Seren did this super writing to tell us about her cave… -
Wow Seren, this is fabulous! We made these in school too!
Monday 15th June – Good morning Apple Class, here is your home learning for this week. You will need more junk modelling materials later in the week but if not you could use construction toys you have at home already.
Have fun! From Mrs C
Friday 12th June – I have loved speaking to many of you on the phone this week and been so impressed with how enthusiastically you have talked about your learning. There has been lots of positive feedback and lots of super work to share with you in the gallery below. Look out for some fantastic I wonder work on the ocean and some very impressive writing. Next week's home learning will be posted here first thing Monday morning.
Learning about pattern – Mia made this super fish -
Her favourite sea creature is an octopus -
Nieko wrote a lovely postcard to his friend -
Remember when Ellie sent photos of the blossom on her apple tree. Look at it now! Apples! -
Ellie planned her story… -
then wrote it. Click on the picture to read her fantastic story. -
Finn B listened to the story of George and the Dragon and made notes… -
look at his fantastic story map to retell the story. Amazing work -
Love this super ocean picture! Great I wonder work! -
I wonder what erosion is…click on the picture to find out -
Violet has been learning about protecting the ocean -
Another great ocean picture by Violet
Wednesday 10th June – Good morning Apple Class – it was lovely to speak to some of you on the telephone yesterday. Year 1, I will be ringing you later this week. Lots of you are enjoying the same home learning we are doing in school and I've added some great photos to the gallery below. We enjoy sharing them in class too. There are also some super home learners still making the most of outside learning so look out for lots more nature photos. If you have had any problems with the 2020 Summer Reading Challenge link to the Silly Squad website, I've added a new link below. We would love you to get involved – it looks like fun!
Lots of you are enjoying the online learning -
Reception have been to space with their learning. Kingsley drew this great rocket. -
Seren created her own planet -
This is Kingsley's planet… -
and his alien character -
Meet Olivia's alien – Cookie -
She wrote some super sentences about him. -
Melody wrote about her alien character too -
Great story map by Kingsley… -
and Olivia… -
and Melody! What super listening skills! -
BIG space picture -
Melody made a beanstalk from the lesson on growing -
Ellie planned her poem -
Click on the picture to read the end result. Super poem Ellie! -
Olivia enjoyed the lesson on pattern -
Kingsley recorded 3D shapes he found in his house -
Being creative – printing -
This week we have heard a story about a hundred decker bus -
Learning outdoors… -
and loving nature… -
and showing that you care -
Lots of you have sent in photos like this of caterpillars. I wonder why there are so many? -
Wow, look what Seren found! -
Mmmm cherry harvesting -
I wonder how many of you are still doing PE with Joe Wicks -
I wonder what we can find out about the ocean. Click on the picture to see Ellie's super origami fish. -
Geo has written a great fact file on goblin sharks. Great work! -
Love Seren's mermaid picture. We're looking forward to doing the mermaid dance lesson this afternoon. Hope you are too. -
Don't forget to join in the 2020 Summer Reading Challenge!
Monday 8th June – Good morning, today is World Ocean Day so feel free to have a creative day with our new Curious Curriculum theme, I wonder what we can learn from the ocean. More information can be found on the weekly home learning timetable posted here Friday (please note, all lessons can be found by clicking subjects if not shown on daily schedule). Year 1 children have been encouraged to follow the Reception lessons in the afternoon as they have an Under the Sea theme but you may choose to look at the suggested curious curriculum activities instead. Feel free to choose any of the Under the Sea lessons to do Monday if you want a creative day. There are a number of resources required for the Reception activities – I have added them to the timetable. I suggest you raid the recycling bin this week before putting it out for collection. Remember you can adapt the lessons and use your own creative ideas and you do not need to print off any worksheets (choose your own way to record). I look forward to seeing some wonderful Ocean themed creations this week. Have fun!
Friday 5th June – Good afternoon, I hope you have a had a good week. I wanted to share our new home learning ready for Monday. We have been busy in class learning about 3D shapes since Wednesday and have created alien characters and written about them. We have also read the story of Jack and the Beanstalk and made beanstalks of our own. I know some of you have been doing that too. I've had some super poems back from Year 1's, who have been using onomatopoeia – what a big word that is! Well done to you all. The 2020 Summer Reading Challenge launches today – all the information is available on our main page (Newsflash). Check it out!
Today's gallery of super home learners:
Super maths work by Ellie -
Rock pooling -
Being creative -
Look at this grasshopper spotted by Violet -
Fossil hunt -
Releasing the butterfly -
Fantastic poem by Finn. Great work!
Wednesday 3rd June – Good morning Apple Class, I wanted to share Nieko's super holiday writing and Josh's puzzle that inspired him to create his own fantasy land once he had completed it. What a great idea! In school we have been following the Reception timetable; sorting and describing 2D shapes, talked about healthy food, named the 8 planets in the solar system and made up our own planets to create stories about. I wonder what you have been up to? Look at the planning below (1st June) for more ideas.
Super writing Nieko! -
100 piece fantasy land puzzle
Monday 1st June – Good Morning Apple Class, I hope you had a lovely week. Please find below our new learning for the week which is linked to what we will be doing in school. The videos are short and give follow up ideas for activities. Please let me know how you get on.
Friday 22nd May – Next week would have been half term so please feel free to take a week off home learning. You have all been working so hard! On Monday 1st June I will post an exciting new home learning overview in line with what we will be doing in school. You can find out more from Mrs Robinson's email sent out today. We have lots of superstar learners in the gallery below. Well done to you all! Have a good week! Take care and stay safe.
After a trip to the beach, the challenge was to be creative… -
Click on the picture to see the result! Fantastic artwork! -
Dandelion wishes -
Blow painting… -
to make a reading wand! -
Family games -
Mia made this beautiful butterfly painting. -
…and wrote about butterflies. Well done Mia! -
I wonder which shapes are symmetrical -
The bad tempered ladybird! -
Learning to tell the time -
Sorting minibeasts by number of legs. Love this idea! -
Click on the picture to see Kingsley's great drawing of a shark. Love that he labelled it too! -
Captain has been practising his letters and spellings -
Koko's spellings – click on the picture to see her super handwriting. -
Great Step Back in Time writing about Neil Armstrong by Oliva. -
Melody made a list of things she would take to space -
I spy rhyming words. Well done Ellie! -
Geo has been practising his writing -
…so has Kingsley -
…and Melody! What super writers we are in Apple Class! -
Maths by Ellie -
Puddle playtime – I wonder where rain comes from. -
Harry Potter birthday in lockdown
Wednesday 20th May – Good Morning Apple Class! We are very proud of Ellie this week – our little Samuri! She passed her grading on Saturday (via zoom) and is now an orange-one-white belt! Wow! Congratulations Ellie, what an achievement! You can read about it in her news writing below. Well done to all our super home learners. Keep up the good work!
Exciting news writing by Ellie. Super work! -
Like lots of you, Ellie has been growing things in the garden -
…she is growing spring onions, cucumbers, tomatoes, beetroot, broad beans and spinach. -
Super work on the lifecycle of a flower and labeling. Well done! -
Newting… -
look what Josh found! -
I wonder how you make a rocket….Ellie did! I wonder if you can too.
Monday 18th May – Good afternoon, I wanted to share this beautiful video with you today. Kevin Graal, is an inspiring storyteller who has done quite a bit of work in East Sussex. He has recorded a video for the De La Warr Pavilion as a stimulus for creative activities at home with young children, and has also sent it out to circulate. It is a lovely video with a rhyme, a story and instructions to make a paper boat. Have a look below, I loved it!
Look out for some new faces in our gallery today. So great to hear from you! Well done to all our superstar learners!
MMM the strawberries are ready to be picked -
Apple crumble maths lesson in measurement and time. A great way to learn maths! -
Super knex spider model -
Making a bird feeder. Lovely idea! -
Loving this spaceship and alien -
Koko and Captain have been busy painting -
Emma has been doing some comprehension -
…and maths -
…and rhyming. Well done Emma! -
We are all missing our loved ones. Elliott decorated this cup for his nanny -
and Captain dressed up as his grandmother Gaga! Love this photo! -
Super science wall -
Fun with phonics -
Butterfly fact file by Koko -
Super butterfly picture and writing by Captain -
Rainbow hair -
Make sure you are looking after yourselves! Love this mindfulness photo!
Friday 15th May – Its been a busy day today but finally got the latest photos uploaded to share with you. We've seen some super writers this week! Well done for all your hard work. Have a lovely weekend and stay safe!
Olivia wrote about VE day -
and coloured this flag very carefully -
I wonder what minibeasts live here….Olivia made a lovely habitats picture -
Fly fact file by Olivia -
Kingsley has been writing too -
He wrote about the tadpoles he found -
Melody wrote about a new friend she has met on her daily walk -
Ellie has been using bar models -
Good problem solving Ellie! -
Kingsley has been practicing numerals -
Loving maths -
Working hard! -
Learning to play the drums -
Reading is such an important skill. I love these books! -
Melody has been making bread. -
Making a web (from home learning sheet) -
Getting creative and -
…making a rockpool -
Josh found a frog and was inspired to become Harry Potter -
Staying up to clap for carers!
Wednesday 13th May – we've seen some super scientists at home this week making the most of outside learning in nature. Check out tadpoles, fish, slow worms and birds in our photos below.
Kingsley and his family looking for tadpoles -
…look what they found! -
A tiny fish found at the beach -
Slow worm found in the garden -
Birdspotting… -
click on the picture to see how many have been spotted! -
Violet has been practicing her times tables… -
and part part whole. Well done Violet! -
Geo has been using his spellings in sentences. Great idea Geo!
Monday 11th May – Good Afternoon, we hope you enjoyed the long bank holiday weekend. I wonder what you did for VE day. We've had a few photos sent in of artwork and writing. It was certainly a special day to remember! There has also been some exciting news about Josh's hungry caterpillars. Last week, butterflies emerged from the chrysalis and he released them in his garden! It has been such an exciting learning experience for Josh to see how the lifecycle works. Ellie has been learning about this lifecycle too. Check out the home learning photos below
VE day 75! What super posters! -
Fantastic VE day writing by Katie about VE day. -
Lifecyle diagram by Ellie -
Releasing the butterflies -
Farewell snack on some orange before flying off -
Symmetrical butterfly printing by Ellie -
Nieko had a minibeast hunt in the garden with his family. -
Olivia labelled the parts of a butterfly -
…and practised odd and even numbers in maths -
Love these rockets by Olivia. I wonder if they have an odd or even number on them? -
Fantastic Step Back in Time by Ellie about Neil Armstrong -
She also found out about the planets -
Decorating t-shirts to say thank you to the NHS! -
Getting creative… -
what a supeer design! -
Half and Quarter. Great maths Ellie! -
Olivia read What the Ladybird Heard by Julia Donaldson… -
and found the rhyming words. Well done Olivia!
Thursday 7th May – Good Afternoon Apple Class, hasn't it been lovely to see the sunshine again this week! It makes such a difference! Tomorrow is a special bank holiday for VE day 75, the 75th anniversary of Victory in Europe when the nation will join together (in spirit) to commemorate and give thanks to the service and sacrifice of the WWII generation. Check out the link below to find out more. We've also added a VE history video to the home page Newsflash.
More home learning photos to share with you below. Well done to all our superstar learners. We love sharing your photos. Have a great weekend!
Click on the picture to look at these fantastic models Emma has made…I wonder what story they come from? -
Yes you guessed it – The Hungry Caterpillar! -
Emma has written what he ate! -
Love Melody's spider picture! -
She also did this beautiful butterfly while practising maths -
This looks like Year 2 maths Emma! Well done! -
Violet made up her own maths game – Unicorn Falls! -
and did her numberbonds – great maths! -
She wrote a super story too! Well done Violet! -
Nieko has been talking about feelings. Such an important thing to do at the moment. I wonder how you're feeling today? -
I'm sure Melody's nanny was very happy to receive this card. -
Helping daddy with the DIY -
Acts of Kindness…what a wonderful idea!
Monday 4th May – Good morning Apple Class, here is a new home learning sheet with resources. If you are unable to print, you can still use them on your tablet or computer. There are also lots of links for online learning too. I can't wait to hear all about it!
Please keep sending in those photos. Look at the latest superstar learners:
Ready for a minibeast hunt! -
Followed by some baking. -
Kingsley is proving himself to be a talented artist! -
And getting writing practise in too! -
Minibeast factfile by Kingsley -
Great listening and art activity! Maths in here too with positional language. -
Violet is enjoying her new set of books. -
She has also been collecting wild flowers to make wallpaper for her summerhouse. -
And linking flowers into her maths! Great idea! -
Emma has been learning about the planets. -
And shapes…2D shapes -
…3D shapes -
Emma finished writing her story. Super writing Emma! -
Look at all the sunshine we've had! Thank you for the weather chart Emma. -
Making a wish jar! I wonder what wishes you would write. Lovely idea to think of things to do when lockdown is over.
Friday 1st May – Good morning Apple Class, I have had some super minibeast links sent through this week. Check out this wonderful Peacock Spider that inspired Finn to write a fantastic poem and make a model (photos in the gallery below).
Josh has also been watching some super video's to inspire his learning. Check out the link below for Let's go live shows with Maddie Moate. Garden Week has some great links to our Curious Curriculum but there lots more to inspire home learning including Mini Makers and Brilliant Bodies!
Well done to all our superstar learners below! Look out for our new home learning sheet on Monday. Have a good weekend!
Love the attention to detail on this fantastic Peacock Spider model! -
Finn and his sister were inspired to be poets! Click on the picture to take a closer look. Great work! -
Louis wrote spider with his lego – super idea! -
An amazing lego spider model needs a web and fly of course! -
What a scientist – making a volcano! -
Seren found an old wasps nest in the shed… -
and watched a wasp at work. -
This inspired her to write about it! Love this! -
Slow worm in the garden – what a find! -
Phonics practise online -
Love this way to practise phonics too though! -
Oliva has been practising her phonics too. -
Maths and minibeasts by Olivia. Love it when learning is linked. -
Super ladybird painting by Olivia. -
Ellie has been doing some fantastic maths on White Rose… -
super maths work… -
Well done Ellie! -
Super writing Louis! I wonder if you can make a storyboard like this.
Wednesday 29th April – Good Afternoon, Mrs Thomson has sent an update on the chicks. Can you believe how quickly they have grown! It is hard to believe now that they came from the eggs we were incubating in our classroom. They are now known as pullets. They have lost all that fluffy baby down they had as chicks and are now developing feathers.
Looks like we have had lots of super mathematicians and writers this week.
Josh has enjoyed using the White Rose Maths lessons. Well done Josh! -
Violet has too! Super maths about measuring Violet! -
Don't forget to still do lots of practical maths too! -
Geo traced this great picture of Spongebob… -
then wrote about it! Well done Geo! -
Josh has been thinking about Halloween already! We don't mind – it's all good writing practice. -
Nieko has been finding out about ladybirds. Super work – maths, writing and science!
Monday 27th April – Good morning, look at the fantastic learning going on at home! I wonder if you can get some ideas from what others are doing. Also lots of links to support home learning were posted on Friday (scroll down) and further links have now been added to the home page 'newsflash' tab. Remember every little thing you do at home helps.
Melody's mini beast hotel. I wonder who will come and stay. -
Ellie is busy growing -
Making EDIBLE mini beasts… -
look at the finished results -
…and you can eat them too! -
I love his edible snail! -
Kinsgley has done fantastic observational drawing from his bug book -
He said he feels like an artist…. -
I agree Kingsley – these are fantastic! I can see you've looked closely at detail -
and he labelled them too. Great way to get some writing practise in. -
Mini beast hunt -
Violet found a caterpillar so decided to find out all about them -
Great fact file Violet! -
Super maths – one more and one less.. -
Kingsley's family have been helping others by dropping off supplies. Kingsley wrote about it in his news. -
Melody celebrated the Queen's birthday last week by finding facts and even had a royal teaparty! -
Ellie took on the Easter challenge – well done Ellie! -
Step Back in Time – Egyptian Pyramid
Friday 24th April – Good Morning, we have lots of lovely new photos in the gallery below. Click on the picture to get an enlarged view.
Some parents have been asking about reading books. Please encourage your child to read every day. We don't want them to lose this important skill. They can read their own books at home with your support but also check out the fantastic free library of e-books on Oxford Owl website. There are wide selections of books on here that support phonics and can be selected by age. They have fiction and non- fiction as well as those old favourites Biff and Chip! Definitely worth a look!
Parents have also been using Oak National Academy online lessons. These cover a wide range of the areas across the curriculum. They have ideas specifically for Reception as well as Year 1 – just select the tab at the top. BBC bitesize is also supporting parents with daily online lessons specific to the expectations of the Year 1 National Curriculum.
If your child has finished their spelling book and is able to use these spellings in their writing correctly, please email and I will forward the next book on to you.
I have had really positive feedback about the White Rose Maths website. I love this site because it is very similar to the way we would teach maths in school Please check it out!
Please don't feel you have to spend your entire time sitting next to your child supporting them one to one. Independence is an important life skill! Your child will benefit from making their own choices and having a go at solving their own problems. Give them a challenge and step back and see how they tackle it! You may be surprised!
It is fantastic to have all this online support available to parents but please don't let it become too overwhelming. I have been so impressed by the effort, enthusiasm and creativity I have seen from you all. Thank you for all your hard work but remember lots of learning happens through play and being outside (safely) in nature is fantastic for our mental health and well being too! Have a good weekend.
I spy with my little eye… -
Tie dye butterfly by Olivia -
Mia has been ordering numbers to 20 -
I love these super Numberblock pictures Mia has made! -
Games are a fun way of doing maths -
Minibeast hunt in the garden -
The ladybirds came for a sleepover before being released the next day -
Fantastic ladybird picture with labels by Seren -
We're all going to be fantastic bakers by the time we get back to school -
Phee has been practising her phonics and handwriting -
Step Back in Time – Katie has been learning about Roman mosaics… -
and Stonehenge. Super home learning Katie! -
Step Back in Time – Florence Nightingale… -
was known as the Lady with the Lamp! Love this! -
Step Back in Time – Olivia made this astronaut helmet like Neil Armstrong had when he went to the moon. -
Look what you've 'spotted' in nature… -
Snail spotted by Ellie -
Phee saw these baby lambs -
More baby lambs spotted by Ellie -
Beautiful Bluebells -
Look at Ellie's apple tree bud now!
Wednesday 22nd April – Morning, we have a caterpillar update! Look at the photo… I wonder what they are doing?

We also have lots of super home learning to share with you. Thank you for all your fantastic photos. I love seeing what you have been up to.
Finn looks like he's found an answer to our Curious Curriculum question. Well done Finn! -
Beautiful butterfly print whilst learning about symmetry too! -
Creative model making -
Looking closely at nature. Love this! -
Lego challenge! -
Using scales for baking is fantastic maths… -
and look at the end result! These look delicious Seren! -
I love Louis' minibeast drawings. He sounded out to add labels too. -
After watching an online lesson on materials, Louis recorded his learning. Well done Louis! -
Ladybird factfile by Violet. -
Wow, Violet has been busy learning about butterflies this week. Click on the picture to see what you can find out. -
Look at this beautiful piece of work! Well done Violet! Superb presentation.
Monday 20th April – Good morning Apple Class and welcome back to our new term online. Our new Curious Curriculum this term is I wonder why ladybirds have spots, where we aim to find out lots about minibeasts and the environments they like to live in. We've all been making the most of the wonderful weather and getting outside in the garden or on our daily exercise so hopefully you can enjoy lots of hands on activities outside this term but remember you can also look for information online with help from your parents or carers and there are lots of opportunities to be creative. Please look in the home learning section below to find the latest sheet uploaded at the beginning of the holiday. I have had lots of lovely photos already of your minibeast learning (see gallery today and last week) but if you haven't started yet…don't worry now is start of our new term.
I also wanted to let you know about some great new home learning activities that have been set up to support parents with home learning. Please note, there is no obligation to use these, they are just sites I have looked at and think could be really useful. I mentioned White Rose Maths last week; they are introducing short daily maths lessons for Year 1 children (Reception could have a go with parental support) on their website from today. They have short videos and although they have sheets to print off, you could copy out the questions or just record the answers on your own paper. Parents – they also have an answer sheet underneath. They will be updating lessons on a fortnightly basis so why not have a look. I think it looks great!
Also from today, BBC Bitesize will publish daily online lessons. They cover lots of different areas of the curriculum and also have little videos and suggestions for activities linked to them. I have added the link for Year 1 below but again these could be adapted for Reception. You can also access this through the BBC Bitesize home page.
Thank you for my lovely letter Nieko. I love getting letters. Super writing too! -
Daily PE with Joe Wicks…even throughout the holiday! Well done! -
Easter holiday news. Look at that super handwriting! Well done Josh. -
What an exciting find…Josh's family found this wasp nest in their garden shed. -
Inside they could see the larvae wriggling around. They googled to find out more about it. -
Easter holiday news by Violet. Well done for your super writing Violet! -
Lucky find out on daily exercise. -
Wordsearches are a great way to practise reading and spelling. -
What a great way to thank NHS staff. I wonder if you can I spy any bears in the window.. Click on the picture to enlarge it. -
Making shapes. I wonder if you know what shape this is. -
I love this idea! Mia took photos to show where minibeasts might be. I wonder what she might find? -
Making a minibeast… -
finished result! I love your ladybird. -
Ellie wrote a super fact file about minibeasts. Well done Ellie! -
What a beautiful bookmark! -
Ellie is keeping an apple tree diary. -
Look at the buds growing on her apple tree.
Friday 17th April – More home learning photos to share with you today. Looks like we have some super scientists in Apple Class, a budding book reviewer and fantastic designers, makers and artists! Well done to you all! Have a good weekend!
Looking closely at the parts of a flower -
Alphabet chalking -
Working together. I love this photo! -
Cards are a great way of doing maths at home -
Making signs is a super way to get phonics into play. Great writing! -
Super model making – an elephant and pig -
Minibeast factfile by Melody -
Easter art by Melody -
Fantastic factfile about bees by Geo. Super research! -
Book Review by Geo -
What a beautiful rainbow to thank the NHS.
Thursday 16th April – Good morning Apple Class, I hope you are all keeping well and enjoying the sunshine. Spring is certainly in the air! Josh is keeping us updated with his caterpillars and Mrs Thomson has sent another photo of the chicks – look how they've grown! I've also added the latest home learning pictures below. Well done to you all for keeping the learning going. We know it's not easy. Please keep emailing, I love to hear from you even if it's just to say hi.
The Hungry Caterpillars are munching, munching, munching. -
The chicks from the eggs in our classroom. Look how they've grown!
Wow what a super minibeast hunt! -
I wonder what minibeast you can find? -
What a great way to practise phonics! Well done Emma! -
Super fact file about woodlouse by Emma -
I love Emma's rainbow spider! -
Growing vegetables -
Woodwork lessons… -
resulted in this… -
and this! Wow! -
I wonder who this Easter Bunny is? -
Emma used a toilet roll tube stencil to create her Easter picture. What a super idea!
Tuesday 14th April – Good afternoon, I hope you all had a lovely Easter! We have some great photos to share in the gallery today. Kingsley wrote his own book this week based on an idea about all children in England being given a pet from the zoo to make lockdown a bit more fun! He wrote and illustrated the book himself over two mornings. I wonder what pet you would like from the zoo? Josh has some new pets of his own at the moment…some caterpillars. He's keeping a close eye on them as they are growing bigger everyday. I wonder what will happen next? Ellie went on a minibeast safari and found a slow worm! What an exciting find! She also made a super paper mache ladybird! Olivia shared photos of her Easter fun…she even spotted the Easter Bunny! Check out the photo below.
Snake Escape written and illustrated by Kingsley -
pg1 -
pg2 -
pg3 -
Pen pals -
Flowers and facepaints -
I wonder what Ellie found on her minibeast safari -
Lovely ladybird crafts What a great idea! -
Low tide at the beach -
Winchelsea walk -
These Easter nests look yummy! -
Making an Easter basket -
Olivia I spied the Easter Bunny -
Josh has some caterpillars. I wonder what they will grow into? -
Stay Safe! Olivia painted a rainbow to support all the keyworkers
Thursday 9th April – Good afternoon! I just wanted to share a couple of maths ideas I found on White Rose Maths (an excellant website for maths activities) and some home learning photos I have received this week. I hope you are all keeping well. Enjoy the Easter weekend!
Click on the photo to see this challenge -
I'd love to see photo's of your dens -
Minibeast factfile by Josh -
I spy…I wonder what you will see? -
Learning to play a new instrument. I love this idea! -
Writing letters to our friends. Why don't you try this?
Monday 6th April – Good Morning! Today would be the first day of the Easter holidays! Please feel free to take a break from home learning and enjoy some well deserved time off if you want to. I will continue to respond to emails and update the website on a regular basis. Some of you may be keen to continue your routine so I have added a new home learning sheet and resources below. There is no time expectation for this! Our new curious curriculum theme has been developed from the children's obvious enthusiasm for outdoor learning and the beautiful weather we have had. Take a look at the photographs of super minibeasts you have found in your gardens or out on your daily exercise. I wonder what minibeasts you can find? You can also find information below the photos about projects set up by the Sussex PE and Sports Network and Chartwells UK with further ideas for activities at home. Enjoy!
Minibeast hunt -
Josh found a snail -
…and a ladybird -
Koko and Captain found a millipede -
and made a fantastic millipede poster -
Finding out facts -
Super writing idea! -
Making high walk ways -
I wonder what Koko and Captain are growing?
Chartwells UK (who cook our school dinners!) have been working on a project – The Super Yummy Kitchen, which has been launched on YouTube
Super Yummy, Simply Delicious snacks
They have created cook along videos aimed to help children create yummy, healthy snacks made from store cupboard ingredients. Nutritional messages will feature throughout the videos and there will be a curriculum activity and a health and wellbeing challenge set every day. These videos will be launched on Monday, Wednesday and Fridays at 1pm. Why not check it out?
Wellbeing and Online Safety
I bet some of you have been feeling a little bit strange, worried or even a bit frightened about what is going on in the news and wondering why we aren't at school. Please remember it is important to look after your wellbeing, meaning both your physical and mental health so that you stay calm, healthy and happy. Remember to tell an adult if you are worried (Grown-ups please check the home page for recommended links to support your child through this difficult time). You could also do some Cosmic Kids Yoga or Peace Out Relaxation to help calm your feelings. Why not show your family how we do it at school? Perhaps they could join in too!
You may be using the internet a lot more too so it's important to remember how to stay safe online. Ask a grown up to read Smartie the Penguin's story on the link below. There are lots of fun activities to reinforce his message on there too.
Friday 3rd April – I have been so impressed with how creative you have all been with your home learning. I have learnt about 'concrete cake' this week from Ellie and Aidan which seems have been family recipes their mums both remember from their childhoods. How lovely is that! I'm secretly hoping they will bring some in for me to try when we return to school. Check out these creative ideas below including obstacle courses, acrobats, baking, model making, rainbows and writing. Well done to all of you!
Stay Safe! Super rainbow pictures! -
Mmm chocolate concrete cake -
Olivia did an online acro lesson -
Mmm more baking! -
Easter crosses. I wonder if you can remember the Easter story? -
Beautiful unicorn garden -
Lego models by Olivia -
Being creative -
Check out the finished model – how great is this! -
More model making – fantastic idea! -
Why not write about what you have been doing like Emma has! Superstar writing! -
Kingsley and his family made an obstacle course in the garden -
…and even got maths in by timing how long it took. Super action shot!
Thursday 2nd April – Look at the super writing I've been sent today. Kingsley wrote about how he made his mummy happy on Mother's Day. He made me happy too with this independent writing! Thank you Kingsley! Finn wrote his weekend news and Mia practised her phonics and made a fact file about sheep. She also made a super kite to fly in her garden. Violet wrote labels to add to her pressed flowers and leaves. (Grown ups – that's a great way to get some writing practise in!). She has also been practising odd and even numbers and made a super unicorn rocket with numbers down the side. Well done to all today's superstar learners!
Kingsley did some super writing about Mothers Day -
Kite making. -
Sheep fact file by Mia -
Practising phonics -
Weekend writing by Finn -
Odds and Evens -
I love Violet's unicorn rocket -
and pressed flowers
Wednesday 1st April – A new month and a new revamp to the Apple Class page. We have had so many lovely photos to share each day that it's taking too long to scroll down to see them all. From today, we will add new posts and photos to the top of the page so you can keep up to date on what we've all been up to.
Today, I have had a lovely letter from Geo, some super nature photos from Phee, great weekend news from Violet and a great bird feeder idea from Josh using a cardboard tube, peanut butter and bird seed. Well done to Finn for completing his Step Back in Time Project. After watching Horrible Histories, he decided he wanted to do the Greek philosopher, Socrates (I wasn't expecting that!). He even made a short video which we will share with the class when we return. What a great costume!
Letter from Geo -
Nature walk -
Nature art! What a lovely idea! -
Making a bird feeder -
Super news writing by Violet. -
Socrates fact file -
Step Back in Time – Socrates
Useful links:
Home Learning
Home Learning Gallery for March 2020
Well done Josh for his super weekend news writing on Monday. -
Great spelling practice! -
Great farm animal crafts by Olivia. What a super idea! -
Great pig picture! Well done Mia. -
Mia has been learning about a different farm animal everyday. What a great idea! -
Outside learning – making a bug house. -
We look forward to finding out what bugs will visit the bug house. -
Outside learning – planting seeds -
What a great way to get some writing in – making labels. -
I love this beautiful bluebell painting by Violet -
What a super idea – writing to a pen pal. -
Super story writing by Josh -
We love practical maths – measuring. -
Times tables and spelling practice. Well done Violet! -
Handwriting practice – Well done Josh! -
What a great drum! -
Posting a letter to a friend -
Part part whole maths by Violet -
Maths with Smarties! What's not to love! -
Can you tell the time? Why not practise like Ellie has. -
Ellie wrote about her garden. Love the pictures too Ellie! -
Finding clay at Fairlight Cove -
Crafts in the garden -
Josh made Easter nests inspired by the new chicks -
Super story by Josh -
I wonder if you can write a letter to the Easter Bunny -
Lego Easter Bunny by Josh
Tuesday 31st March – Are you up for a lego challenge? I wonder what your favourite day will be. Some children in Apple Class have started the challenge already. Don't forget to send in your photos.

Monday 30th March – I was so touched by Olivia's letter. We miss you all but are so proud of all the super home learning that is going on. Keep it up superstars!

Friday 27th March – Good morning Apple Class, what a strange week this has been not seeing you everyday! I have been really uplifted though by the wonderful photos and emails received this week. Please keep them coming next week and let me know if you are happy for photos to be uploaded to the gallery. It is a great way to share ideas with your classmates. Remember lots of learning happens through play and if you can make the most of the sunshine by being outside in the garden that's even better! I'm just as happy to hear about that as I am to see your work. Parents, you are doing a super job! Have a good weekend and stay safe.
Thursday 26th March – Hi Apple Class, Check out Violet's writing about the chicks! It was great to hear she had watched a video about chicks on youtube and I love the names Violet…I will pass them on to Mrs Thomson. She has since seen our post from yesterday and thinks the chicks are 'fluffy and cute'. We have to agree!

Wednesday 25th March – Good afternoon Apple Class, I have some very exciting news to share…the eggs hatched on Monday and all six chicks are doing well! Mrs Thomson has sent these beautiful pictures through today. She has taken them home and will keep us updated.
Tuesday 24th March – Hi Apple Class, There are lots of useful websites offering ideas and support for home learning. Some are better than others so be a little cautious. Thank you for sending me your links. Here are a few of my favourites from the recommendations:-
Lots of great maths and reading games and activities on this site as well as advice for parents. Look out for Biff and Chip on here too! https://home.oxfordowl.co.uk/
Make the most of the weather while we can. Love these outdoor ideas! https://www.woodlandtrust.org.uk/blog/2020/03/kids-nature-activities-self-isolation/
I love the advice for parents and creative ideas on this site although you do need resources. Worth checking it out! https://theimaginationtree.com/
Check out Alphablocks, Numberblocks, Down on the Farm and Let's Celebrate on cbeebies. You can also listen to audio stories on cbeebies radio: https://www.bbc.co.uk/cbeebies/radio
Don't forget to check out BBC Bitesize KS1. Check out 'Significant People' in the History section for ideas for your Step Back in Time project: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/levels/z3g4d2p
Monday 23rd March – Morning Apple Class, I thought I would start the week with a quick hello as we can't be in school together today. I'm looking forward to hearing all about the learning you're doing at home. Please feel free to email me photos of your work/activities/creations so we can share them on our class page. If you have any good ideas or useful links you would like to share with others please do so via my email and I will post them on. Please check out the bodycoach, Joe Wicks, who is doing a daily PE session for kids at 9am on YouTube from Monday 23rd March (thebodycoach.com). Phonics Play has also given a free subscription to all their resources and made a new site compatible with phones/tablets (new.phonicsplay.co.uk). They also have a new link for phonic comics which develop segmenting and blending skills like our school reading scheme books (www.phonicsplaycomics.co.uk). Definately worth a daily visit to these sites for phonics practice! Hastings Museum have set up virtual activities via Facebook or Twitter which have a different focus each week. Might be worth a little look! I have added a suggested timetable in the home learning section above for those wanting structure to the day but please adapt it to suit your child's needs. Please don't forget to have fun and remember lots of learning happens through play! I look forward to hearing from you via email and will post again soon. Stay safe (wash those hands) and be the superheroes I know you all are!
From Mrs Cullingworth
What Did the Baby Buzzard Say When It Saw an Orange in the Nest Answer Key
Source: https://ickleshamcp.e-sussex.sch.uk/classes/class-1/
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